maximum effectiveness, minimum cost.




Performance Measurement

  • People do a better job when they know exactly what is expected of them and are given clear and supportive feedback on how they have done.

  • For First Group, we developed 5 objective financial measures
    of claims handling work and results. Against these 5 measures,
    targets and benchmarks can be set, either for the individual, their team or the whole department / Company.

  • Each month, each handler had their own results discussed with
    them and a score agreed leading to an annual score that was then used for bonus purposes as well as training needs identification.

  • This resulted in a decrease in the average cost per claim as well as a significant increase in morale / productivity and greater transparency in the management of the incentivisation and remuneration policy.

  • C-MAS can adapt these measures and benchmarks to suit any organisation and its objectives.